Corinth Exposed Festival Φεστιβάλ Φωτογραφία

Έκθεση Φωτογραφίας: Corinth Exposed Photography Festival Δημοτική Πινακοθήκη (4-18/5 Κόρινθος)

Η Δημοτική Πινακοθήκη σε συνεργασία με το Φεστιβάλ Φωτογραφίας Κορινθίας φιλοξενεί μια σειρά από σημαντικές εκθέσεις φωτογραφίας από το Photo Europe Network, τα βραβεία του Photometria International Photography Festival και τα βραβεία του διαγωνισμού για την Κορινθία στο Instagram.

Διάρκεια: 4/5 – 18/5 2019
Εγκαίνια: Σάββατο 4/5/2019 και ώρα 19,30
Χώρος έκθεσης: Πινακοθήκη Δήμου Κορίνθιων (Πυλαρινού και Κολοκοτρώνη)
Ώρες λειτουργίας:
Καθημερινά από Δευτέρα – Σάββατο 10.00 – 13.00 και το απόγευμα της Παρασκευής 19.00 – 21.00
Διοργάνωση: Photometria International Photography Festival & Corinth Exposed Photography Festival.
Οι εκθέσεις στην Δημοτική Πινακοθήκη γίνονται με την ευγενική υποστήριξη και συνεργασία του ΚΕ.Π.ΑΠ. του Δήμου Κορινθίων.

  1. Η έκθεση Photometria Awards “ Here We Are ” στο Corinth Exposed Photography Festival.
    Το Photometria – International Photography Festival και το Corinth Exposed Festival παρουσιάζουν την φωτογραφική έκθεση με θέμα την “ Here We Are ”, η οποία αποτελείται από τις 25 καλύτερες φωτογραφίες που επιλέχθηκαν από την κριτική επιτροπή του Photometria International Photography Festival 2018. H έκθεση εγκαινιάστηκε στα Ιωάννινα τον Ιούνιο του 2018.
    Τα ονόματα των 25 φωτογράφων της έκθεσης: Saeed Rezvanian, Seyed Ali Sajadi, Mazyar Asadi, Behzad Nemati, Maria Palavoura, Taisir Mahdi, Dimitris Kyrousis, Vasilis Zaverdas, Yaroslav Chingaev, Nikolaos Stergiopoulos, Guilherme Bergamini, Katrin Malekinazari, Hadi Dehghanpour, Iria Spiliopoulou, Behbood Mohajeri Jolandan, Amitava Chandra, Ploutarchos Haloftis, Konstantinos Morfiadakis, Mohamad Reza Salabi Fard, Samad Ghorbanzadeh, Ali Sabih Kadhim, Apostolos Gkrinias, Botond Czilli, Masoud Makavand.
  2.  Έκθεση φωτογραφίας της φωτογράφου Dora Lutz, από την Ουγγαρία, Photo Europe Network. Dora Lutz, “Intruders”. Skagaströnd is a village of 460 inhabitants in the North of Iceland. People make their living mainly from fishing, visit the one local pub they have in their off time, and walk the street in a single sweater if it’s already +10 degree. Remaining true to their roots is part of their lives, as is to keep their businesses to themselves. Still they proved to be an open minded community by allowing the NES artist residency to set foot in there in 2008 providing them with three houses and a studio owned by the town, right next to the fortune teller centre. During my stay at NES in December 2016 I tried to depict this set of mind without stepping into their homes, without invading their privacy. A set of mind which keeps them sane in an environment so poor in stimulation others are easily going mad within weeks. And yet they are there, for centuries, and it didn’t seem to me they have any intention to move on anytime soon.
  3. Έκθεση φωτογραφίας του φωτογράφου Sergi Alcazar Badia από την Ισπανία, Photo Europe Network.
    Sergi Alcàzar “VESTIGIUM”
    In the late 50s, few years after the civil war, hundreds of people were looking for a place to settle on the outskirts of Barcelona, to build homes with their own hands. As the years passed, the growing city surrounded the area, which became the target of urban speculation. Finally, the inhabitants of La Catalana faced the reality that they would be forced from their neighborhood and their homes would be destroyed after more than ten years of uncertainty.
    “God loves you” is the solace of a neighbourhood fearing extinction. With the new millennium, La Catalana loses its identity and begins to be overwhelmed by people from the margins of society, waiting for houses to become empty, looking for shelter to hide their social exclusion. In a couple of months, La Catalana was almost empty. Only four small families remained for a few more weeks, wandering around the town, making fires and burning copper wire to sell the valuable parts. The last old men stood in the few quiet corners that were left. All of them wanted to stay until the very last moment. Before crumbling completely away, that ghost town endured thanks to squatters moving in.
    “Vestigium” is a 10-year project showing the life and death of the La Catalana neighbourhood. It brings together the traces, the trails, the marks left behind. It represents the memories of a town in the process of dying, leaving behind both a spiritual and a physical void.
  4. Έκθεσης φωτογραφίας “CORINTHEXPOSED”, αποτέλεσμα του διαγωνισμού στο Instagram #corinthexposed, στην Κόρινθο.
    + Insta Wall της έκθεσης από τον διαγωνισμό #corinthexposed
    + υποτροφία GLOBAL ARTS STUDIOS
    + βραβείο OLYMPUS
    Θα εκτεθούν σε instawall οι 100 επιλεγμένες φωτογραφίες από το #corinthexposed.